Berlin, the magical rainbow popsicle of everything I love
In which I answer burning questions about Berlin, the incomparable European capital of everything cool and German (two things that do not usually go together but which can produce very positive effects).

My Favourite Scandinavians (Finland is Winland)
I saw them from across the park. They were small, light-haired and taciturn. They wore black and had names that were mostly vowels. I saw them, and I knew they were Finns.

Die Woche der Überdeutschereise!
That is a phrase I just invented which means Awesome German Trip Week. As I write, I am in the Montreal airport waiting to board my flight to Frankfurt. My main reason for going is to attend the War Resisters International conference “Countering the...
Never Let Me Go
If you have never seen the film “Never Let Me Go,” based on Kazuo Ishiguru’s novel of the same name, GO WATCH IT NOW. Yes, right now. I’ll wait. If you are my mother, bring a box of Kleenex. Okay, maybe two. I love this film so much. SO MUCH....