by christel | Jul 3, 2023 | Clarity Readings, Expanded reading
Tight, tense, locked in, frozen up, on edge. Feels difficult to think long term or gather momentum. Maybe it’s just me. But if you also have natal inner planets in mid to late degrees of cardinal signs (Cancer, Capricorn, Libra or Aries) this full moon is adding weight to the already significant pressure of Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, squaring/opposing the other cardinal signs. There are also squares happening between Uranus in Pisces and Mars/Venus conjunct in Leo. To add insult to injury, Pluto is also squaring the nodes at 0 degrees of Taurus/Scorpio as they prepare to change signs (Aries/Libra) in a week or so.
What this illustrates to me is the increasing grinding dissonance between the crumbling built world, conceived and constructed to extract and collect energy, and the real needs and desires of those who inhabit it. Brokenness and failure is all around, so clear and transparent, but we are unable or unwilling to repair, rebuild, rework—perhaps because a significant percentage of us still buy into the fantasy that achieving “happiness” is the goal of the one life we have to live on Earth.
by christel | Jun 12, 2023 | Clarity Readings, Expanded reading
We’re entering a point in time where the masculine and feminine polarities in ourselves seem reversed. The urge to shape and act is united with the chaotic feminine, who understands destruction is as essential to “making new” as construction. The urge to receive messages and energies from beyond what’s readily available is united with the wise, centred masculine, who understands that all is a grand play of polarity, bobbing and weaving, emerging and fading.
We are coming into a revival of the arts of the ancients, but not in a way that returns to all the old ways. Neolithic people were taught the arts of civilization from extraterrestrial/extradimensional friends. And the kind of “civilization” that we require for the peace and happiness and quality development of soul & spirit is quite different than everything we’ve seen so far. But the instructions are with us, implanted and inspired.
by christel | May 18, 2023 | Clarity Readings, Expanded reading
I had trouble getting cards to come out of decks despite multiple rounds of shuffling. My Astro deck produced only one card: “Opposition.” This point in time requires a perspective shift akin to the shift between Newtonian and non-Newtonian physics. There at points at which the rules that have always governed the world we know cease to work any longer. There are forces exerted on our planet the effects of which we have no way of measuring or understanding.
The Shapley attractor is one such force, pulling thousands of galaxies towards it in a huge cluster and away from an opposing “supervoid” called the dipole repeller. It’s almost like witnessing a cosmic cell division, the implosion / separation that produces life. Maybe this is still the first breath of creation, a single burst of life that lasts for a universal moment and then collapses back into nothingness.
by christel | May 4, 2023 | Clarity Readings, Expanded reading
“You are a weak monarch in a dangerous interregnum.”
The above quote is from the latest episode of Succession, but it made me think of King Charles. For months I’ve been wondering why the court astrologers would schedule a coronation hours after a lunar eclipse in Scorpio, which will conjunct Charles’s natal sun almost exactly. Steve Judd, a London-based astrologer, has made a few comments about this (see his youtube channel) and confirms that it’s very weird scheduling, pointing to some deeper working.
What is that deeper working? I’ve been discussing this with an experienced mystic friend of mine, Chrissy, who lives in the UK. Based on several card readings and numerological examinations and my own opinions, what seems to be happening is a renegotiation of the terms of “kingship”. Charles is his mother’s opposite, astrologically and otherwise, and many astrologers believe that he won’t be long for the throne. What I see in the cards is that the coronation eclipse is a merging of power between the monarchy and another force.
by christel | Apr 18, 2023 | Clarity Readings, Expanded reading
All human activity is driven by measurement of the movement of stellar bodies: time. But outside of the earthly use of calendars and clocks and events and seasons, what is the meaning of the cycles and spirals and aspects and alignments that our luminaries and planets make? That’s what astrology is meant to explore, I think. Instead of the task of figuring out the way to act most advantageously underneath the dancing lights that produce, in a roundabout way, time itself, astrology is a tool for uncovering the metaphysical nature of the universe as demonstrated by its most brilliant creatures: the stars.
One of the biggest material myths to overcome on the way to liberation is that humans are strictly subjects to linear time. Yes, the meat suit degrades and requires all sorts of upkeep dependent on external conditions governed by time. But just like the rest of the known universe, we are metaphysical beings that dwell in the timeless realms while tethered to a physical plane of measured decay at the same time. So what meaning, what impact do the stars and their perceived movement have for us as nonphysical spirit beings who inhabit a world shaped by correspondence and relationship rather than time and space?