Make a custom favicon for your Squarespace site
I see this all the time: a Squarespace website lovingly built with beautiful content… but still sporting a default favicon in the browser tab.
I see this all the time: a Squarespace website lovingly built with beautiful content… but still sporting a default favicon in the browser tab.
The Wayward Path has no map, only the conviction that following it is its own reward. Its virtues are Self-Reliance, Flexibility, Creativity, Cooperation and Iteration. Its process is imagination, practical breakdown, iterative progress and then a return to imagination.
Flow describes the act of engaging in intensely focused activity simply for its own sake, and occurs at the point where the challenge meets or slightly exceeds your skill level. “Flow magic” is the intentional induction of this state. Hold on to your butts.
Being a hummingbird-brained idea vomiter is super fun but not necessarily productive.