InDesign Class 6: Multipage Document Exercise

by | Jun 11, 2014 | InDesign Course

Create a 4-page brand guide

You will need:

  • A company name (example: “Studio Hex”)
  • A logo (use the one you created last week or one you found online)
  • A set of 5 colours (use Kuler for inspiration!)


Page 1 is the cover for your brand guide. It has the name & logo of the company as well as the words “brand guide.”
Page 2 shows the main components of the brand, including logo, 2 fonts, elements and colours.
Page 3 shows the business card, both front and back. Card size should be 2×3.5, either portrait or landscape
Page 4 shows the letterhead layout.

* All pages except the cover will have a repeating footer, created with a Master Page.

Hey, I’m Christel

Aquarius rising / Aries sun / Libra moon

Continually transforming under Pluto’s mysterious tutelage. Uncovering long-lost gifts of divination. Exploring the unknown, unconscious and unacknowledged.

My readings combine tarot and oracle cards with astrology, numerology and a mix of esoteric material, including channelled and transmitted works.